New Years Day

“I’m a L&D nurse. I was GBS- at 36 weeks. During my pregnancy something felt off. I felt like I kept having gushing of fluid. They chalked it up to me peeing myself. They kept saying my fern was negative and fluid level was good. On New Year’s Eve they induced me for high blood pressures. Looking back Madison was screaming to come out. Her heart rate was high. I developed a fever while pushing. My white cell count was sky high. I delivered her on New Year’s Day! 1/1! When she was born she had a 103 temp and I had a 101 temp. NICU came and said she could stay with us but enhanced vitals. At 12 hours of life the nurse took her for a hearing test. She wouldn’t settle and the nurse knew something wasn’t right. When she came to get us we ran to the nursery. The NICU was there and Madison was Mottled (blue and purple skin). They rushed her to NICU where we had to wait 3 hours to see her again. When we arrived she was on CPAP, BP meds, IV, umbilical lines, she was fighting for her life. They did a lumbar puncture and started antibiotics. The preliminary results came back with GBS. She was in septic shock, and had meningitis. She spent 3 weeks in the NICU getting IV antibiotics. She had a seizure and ended up on medications and an EEG to check for more seizures. She had several lumbar punctures, PICC lines, and lots of ups and downs. We stayed at her bedside as much as possible. Only going home when the nurses forced us to get sleep. We still have follow ups and are working hard to make sure she hits her milestones. One year later and New Year’s Day will always be the day we delivered our baby girl, but also the day I will never forget my little girl getting sick. I’m still a labor nurse and I use Madison’s story to talk to my patients about being a NICU parent. I express the important of taking care of themselves, and for them to know they aren’t alone. “ NICU Mama Rachael

Amy Finn