KC's NICU Story

“I’ll never forget the day I was admitted. I woke up that Monday morning like normal, getting ready for work, making breakfast and taking my blood pressure medication. I also remember telling my husband that I felt off. I didn’t have a headache or much swelling, no pain in my side, and my vision was fine. I took my BP at home because I had monitored it my whole pregnancy. My BP was 168/101. I told my husband I would give my medication an hour to kick in but I felt I needed to call my OB. So after an hour I took it again and it barely came down. So of course I called my OB and was instructed to head to the high risk L&D to be triaged. After hours of IV medication they decided to admit me officially. I had preeclampsia. 5 of the longest days of my life, after being on magnesium (which if you know you know). 

On November 17th the MFM team came in and said “so we are going to have a baby today”. My son's heart rate kept dropping the night before. I was 31 weeks and 1 day. I remember being completely calm but also completely terrified at the same time. From the morning until afternoon it was meeting with the NICU team, the OR delivery team etc. I’ll never forget the sigh of relief when my son came out crying and the NICU doctor said “he’s a fighter mom that’s a beautiful sign,” and the OB saying “OMG he has such blonde hair!” 

After a long 55 day NICU stay and many bad days and good days, our little man who is not so little anymore, came home! My heart was so full on day one! And here we are almost 10 months later and he’s thriving each day!” NICU Mama Stephanie

Amy Finn