Julian the Jet

“My Son Julian Hartmann was born 24 weeks and 4 days. He weighed only 1 pound and he was 11 Inches long. He was a fighter from the very beginning. Once Julian started to kick inside my tummy I could already tell how strong he was and when he came into this world only weighing 1lb, I truly met a little fighter!

Julian went through multiple surgeries all in one year. When he first got his Tracheostomy I thought he would have the trach and vent forever. It was truly a sad time but he fought his way off that vent and a year later he came home with his trach. He had his trach for about another year and then it was time to remove it.

Now he is 5 and a half years old, has started Kindergarten, and is doing fantastic. He is an Amazing Miracle Boy! “ NICU Mom, Tiffany

Amy Finn